The South Caribbean Conference of Seventh-day Adventists serves the island of Trinidad, part of the twin island republic of Trinidad and Tobago. The conference is responsible for 158 churches with a membership of 53,666 and growing.
Our schools prepare young people for success in the 21st century and beyond. We welcome applications from students across our conference. All enrolments are made on the understanding that the student and parents support the ethos and philosophy of our schools and church, and consequently will aid us in maintaining these principles in our schools.
Check out the forms section for application forms and download enrolment guidelines and policies.
Caribbean Union College Secondary School (CUCSS), is an exceptional Secondary Level Educational Institute situated in the beautiful Maracas Valley of St. Joseph, Trinidad, W.I.
General Information
Founded by the South Caribbean Conference of Seventh-day Adventist, CUCSS is one of the valued and outstanding products of this organisation. Even though CUCSS is a fully private institution, it is possible for the local students to be awarded the grand opportunity of being an attendant at this institution. As a private institution on the other hand, CUCSS also caters for the wider community; that is anyone wishing to acquire a Secondary Level Education. It is customary that upon arrival to Trinidad, people from various countries around the world enroll their children in this Institution to gain a Secondary Level Education.